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2024 Champion Children

Age 6
Age 6

Treated at Tucson Medical Center for Children in Tucson, AZ.

In 2017, Brielle was born with a condition called Amniotic Band Syndrome, which affected all of her extremities. The surgeons at Tucson Medical Center for Children helped correct some of her limb differences during her first year of life, which has helped her meet some key milestones. During the pandemic, she suffered from Multisystem inflammatory syndrome in children (MIS-C)-19 and was hospitalized for a week. During that time, she received treatment to help her overcome this rare and unfamiliar illness, which is known to be life-threatening. Today, she’s six years old, and excelling in school. She recently received the Stars of Honor Award.

Thanks to donations to Children’s Miracle Network Hospitals, patients like Brielle can access customized care that best suits their needs.

Age 15
Age 15

Treated at Children's Hospital of The King's Daughters in Norfolk, VA.

At 11 years old, Sam’s parents noticed that something wasn’t quite right. The energetic, competitive tennis player said he felt tired all the time and was often cold, his appetite disappeared and he lost some weight. His pediatrician ordered bloodwork and a few hours later, called the family and asked them to bring Sam immediately to the emergency department at Children's Hospital of The King's Daughters (CHKD). Sam was diagnosed with T-cell leukemia and had a mass in his lungs, close to his heart. Sam was admitted to CHKD and immediately started treatment. A week later, his mass was barely visible. Although he was discharged, Sam returned to CHKD several more times over the next year for additional treatment. During his nine hospital stays, Sam realized how fortunate he was to have his mom and dad with him every step of the way. He decided that when his cancer treatment was over, he wanted to help other families by fundraising for CHKD. Two years after his initial trip to the emergency department, Sam was in remission and had raised more than $100,000 to help families with a child in the hospital. Today, Sam is back in school and focused on getting stronger. His family says they are incredibly thankful for Sam’s recovery, the staff at CHKD, and everyone who has donated to help CHKD patients and families.

Thanks to donations to Children’s Miracle Network Hospitals, Sam received quick, lifesaving treatment for his T-cell leukemia and is a strong, healthy 15-year-old.

Age 12
Age 12

Treated at Children's Hospital Los Angeles in Los Angeles, CA.

Melody was born with a rare congenital condition where string-like bands of tissue wrap around fingers and toes. Amniotic band syndrome is non-preventable and affects one in 15,000 births annually. Melody faced her condition with grace and her family was referred to Children’s Hospital Los Angeles, where she has received comprehensive support. To date, Melody has had four surgical procedures to separate her fingers and remove excess skin to improve her hands’ functionality. Today, Melody proudly tells people about her unique hands. She loves doing art and celebrates her uniqueness.

Thanks to support from Children’s Miracle Network Hospitals, Melody has received access to donor-funded programs, providing a lifeline of support for the areas of greatest need in children’s health care.

See All 2024 Champion Children >